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Our reading period is now CLOSED. saltfront will be on hiatus for a while, likely through the end of 2022. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we will let you all know when our submissions are up and going again. Thanks for your support!


saltfront handles all submissions through Submittable.
All texts must be submitted as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf (.jpg ot .tiff for artwork). Submissions should not surpass 3500 words total for fiction/nonfiction or 5 poems (maximum of 15 pages) for poetry. Please submit no more than twice every 12 months, one submission at a time.  If you have a longer submission that you think might be of interest to us, please send a letter of inquiry and abstract to our email address ( before submitting.

Submitted images must be at least 300 dpi at approximately 6 x 9 inches. We are looking for all artistic mediums – as singles or as essays. Currently, we only print in black and white. We encourage interdisciplinary and multimedia projects. 

Please include a short cover letter with a 50-75 word bio.

Response time for regular submissions varies.Please do not query before six months.

We do not accept previously published work. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere by adding a note in the submission manager.

When deciding what to submit, refer to our "bearings and positions" below, as well as familiarize yourself with the journal

by ordering a copy or reading sample work.

We reserve First North American Serial Rights and reprint rights for potential inclusion in future anthologies and promotional material; upon publication, rights revert to the author. We reserve the right to submit your work to third-party awards/anthologies, reviews, and advocacy websites, such as The Pushcart Prize, The Review Review, Verse Daily, etc.

Payment is one contributor's copies and a discount on additional copies.





bearings and positions


✵  We aspire to creative lives amidst the shared realities of death, fragmentation, uncertainty, and regeneration.

✵  We support stories of survival and meaning rooted in dirt and grass, bone and flesh.

✵  We choose to build our homes and stories as if in a hammock—anchored but free to move within a confident suspension.

✵  For now, we set aside conventional uses of the terms “nature,” “wilderness,” and ”environment.”

✵  We adopt a pragmatic idealism in order to confront future ecological challenges and to provoke a youthful optimism.

✵  We view unchecked growth of all kinds as chronic forms of social and cultural malnutrition.

✵  We seek direct mediation through our senses, in order to reorient, reimagine, and rehabilitate our relationships to all nonhuman matter.

✵  We imagine body, sky, and earth as a single landscape.  Further contamination of place is not an option.

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